How to seduce a woman

"A woman's heart always has room for a clown, but when it's closed it's because Prince Charming arrived."

Point 1.- Women are not conquered according to a specific purpose such as sex, for example, women are conquered.

In this becoming a man must know that before approaching to conquer or attract the attention of a woman, there is a remote possibility that he will achieve it and even without much effort, therefore it is better to think about the consequences before trying.

Point 2.- Even if it is only a relationship based on sex, talking about the last scale that contact between a man and a woman can have, the least and the most important at the same time. That relationship is possible only because the woman decided so or because that is the way the woman allows that relationship to be possible.

Point 3.- The women put the rules and there is no other way of being with a woman, what you think is part of your own idea, it is she who gives form to whatever they form.

Point 4.- The women set the rules; even if it was a prostitute; someone to whom you pay to have sex, she will set the rules (again occupying the last possible scale of relationship).

Leaving well clear this preamble created with the aim of removing the clouds of morbid thoughts, reifying, misogynistic of the pornographic world of some men who have not managed to realize themselves or grow enough yet, mature, at the same time as the sunny patio of the innocence that characterizes men and that almost carelessly makes them think that women are a "something determined" according to their past experiences.

Point 5.- Get rid of the traumas of love of the past: If you are tired, you feel empty all the contacts with women, it seems that they are all the same, you feel a lot of bad humor, you drink a lot of alcohol and you always sleep with what the wave votes, we are facing traumas not overcome of the past that you must get rid of to conquer or have the courage to find the woman you need in your life.

Point 6.- If you think you do not want to fall in love and find anything similar in your life with a woman, this article is not for you, because you still do not feel the biological call of your nature, or something clouded you and you must overcome your trauma, start for accepting that you have one, because women are still the most beautiful you always see, that's not fever, it's your hormones pushing you to get that "something determined" to what you call a woman.

Point 7.- Stop playing or pretending that everything is a game, many women hating you for feeling used and disappointed will soon be an energy of karma chasing you everywhere, preventing you from being happy.

Point 8.- Stop believing that you are the most bakan for having sex with the women you like, your reputation is also at stake and it is a bad habit that involves your life in the false projections of your ego that is who keeps everything under control but it does not let you be yourself. Whether you are arrogant or fucking is not attractive, it is a fatal mixture between your real prisoner and an evil loose.

"Dear friend: In every woman lives an angel, a beast, a princess, a demon.

   The one you awaken is the one you will have. "

Rethinking everything and starting from "0"

Point 1.- If you really care about a woman, accept and love all that she is.

That act of heart will allow you to really know and in turn she will see in you a noble gesture that will make all your shortcomings are reduced to their minimum expression, the interesting thing is that this will make them feel more comfortable and can ...

Point 2.- Laugh at the dumbest and simplest things. The first appointments or meetings, planned or not are decidores for what will come, even if you take flowers, you invite them to eat, if there is no laughter there is no complicity, without complicity there is nothing yet.

Point 3 .- How to achieve complicity ?, Each woman has a different way of communicating, independent or not that they result in a relationship, a good conqueror is also a discoverer of the wonders that the Universe offers, each woman is an extraterrestrial is a good way to understand where to start to achieve complicity: Respect, be attentive, be a gentleman, women pay attention to the small details that make a conqueror someone competent.

Point 4.- Being natural, if it is not yet that of being accomplices, something that depends on chemistry, and even space time and the position of the stars. Be natural, that will allow you to feel comfortable and maintain your posture, continue being a gentleman and do not strain yourself, just let yourself go, now you observe what attracts you to her.

Point 5.- Relax, you are not making any effort and everything flows, it means that they are already accomplices, but to relax does not mean to stop conquering. Something can still make you disposable, if you stop being attentive, if you stop making her feel comfortable, things between the two are in danger.

Point 6.- You are already together, you slept together for the first time, now what's next, do not expect your approval or disapproval about it, have everything improve even more as a whole, eliminate from your thinking that this decision was wrong, making everything stay well; The atmosphere between the two, the most important thing is that she feels safe and calm.

Point 7.- It's time to give flowers, they'll be well received at a time when you're already supposed to be accepted, but you should not take it for granted, you're still a conqueror.

Item 8.- Short-term, long-term commitments. No matter what you are capable of promising or compromising, or the size of that or the importance, if they are really accomplices they will be able to achieve what they propose and they will both agree, even it is time to be honest and say goodbye if it were the case of the size of the commitment greater or lesser to the feeling reached. It's always better that it hurts now and not later.

Point 9.- While you maintain your relationship be pololeo, be living together, whatever it is even if you are your lover, be sincere and do not advance more in the relationship if you do not feel that you are capable of doing anything to overcome the obstacles that are present between them: Distance, work, study, parents, previous partners, projects, unplanned children. If you do not feel capable of establishing a long-term commitment, that is already a sign that if it is not for yourself, it will be for her.

Point 10.- If you are not able to establish a commitment, an added value in your life, there are always many and many ways to deliver and make happy a person you want to be in your life, the moments together count; Make it worthwhile for both of you.

Point 11.- Being a gentleman avoids problems with a woman, is being a true tamer of beasts or is becoming a magician who turns a tiger into a kitten and the terrible into something easy to solve.

Point 12.- A true love is something that survives in spite of the difficulties, if in some of them your love was not able to sacrifice or really establish itself, it means that there is no root and the nexus they maintain is to cover needs of affection, fear to loneliness or dependence, simple habit, which is not bad, only both should look together and be able to build something in common, otherwise they will soon feel chained.

Point 13.- Women are also conquerors, they also discover and get the best out of you when they truly love you, when she breaks up with you what you really miss is how you were when you shared with her and vice versa. When you break up with her, it is because you are not the best version of you being together, you see that you have stopped accepting her as she is, as she is to you.

Point 14.- How to stop fearing rejection and ending up in a relationship in order to be a complete person again. Start by being aware that you are afraid of all this and that without it half of you said goodbye to you forever, when you overcome this you will be someone bright again and mature, with a real capacity of delivery even greater than in your previous experience.

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